Gas Masks!
>> 1.03.2011
Occasionally, we struggle with flatulence in our family (by "occasionally", my husband would say "all the time" and by "we", my husband would say "just you, honey", but that's neither here nor there). Gas is mentioned enough around our house (boys talk of little else) that my three-year-old yells "gas masks!" when he passes gas. (To employ your gas mask you pull the front of your shirt over your mouth and nose to fend off sulfurous odors....every child knows this.) We eat a lot of potentially gas producing foods - beans, broccoli, salads, fruit - so that's par for the course, I suppose.
However, I may have a remedy for painful, and potentially lethal, gas! A friend of mine gave me this recipe years ago when I had my second baby. It has really been helping my little one cope with the broccoli I eat and it helps me, too. Mostly, it helps expel it naturally. Hope it helps someone (else). See recipe below.
Fennel Tea
For a cup:
1/4 tsp. fennel seed
1/8 tsp. caraway seed
1/8 tsp. anise seed
For a lasting supply:
1/2 c. fennel seed
1/4 c. caraway seed
1/4 c. anise seed
Mix seeds together. Add 1/2 tsp. of the mix to the tea strainer in a mug and pour boiling water over seeds. Let steep 3-4 minutes. Remove strainer (or wait until seeds settle if you don't have a tea strainer). Add sweetener, if desired.
For best results, drink soon after eating gas-inducing foods. Nursing moms, drink a cup a day when you doubt your milk supply or when you indulge in broccoli. Your baby will love you for it.
Note: If you don't like the licorice taste (anise seed), add a little honey to your tea. I personally like the licorice flavor.
I've been drinking a cup a day since all my meals of late seem to include salads, beans, onions or broccoli! It helps!
Enjoy your cup of tea.
~ Katrina (gas comments courtesy of Christian)
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