Homemade Crackers

>> 2.15.2011

Nesco American Harvest FD-61 Snackmaster Encore Dehydrator and Jerky Maker

I got a dehydrator for Christmas!  I am super stoked. You might think that's a goofy thing to get excited about. Welcome to my husband's world.

I'm really looking forward to dehydrating produce from my garden in the summer.  But, in the meantime, I just can't let this baby sit around doing nothing...

So I made my first batch of flax seed crackers.  The first batch came out a little more like fruit leather.  I turned up the dial for the second batch.  Not bad, but still less crunchy than I hoped.  This may take a couple of tries to perfect.

I combined 1 cup of milled flax seed to 2 cups of water and let it sit an hour or two.  Then I added some honey for sweetness.  Next time, I think I'll add some sunflower and sesame seeds.  I plan to use these for snacks, sandwiches, and chips.  This is an inexpensive gluten-free "cracker".

If you'd like to give this a try, I found my recipe here.  She's got me super interested in making kale chips.  But that's another post.

Go dehydrate something!
~ Katrina

P.S.  What are you reading?  The boys and I are reading Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.  We read 7 chapters today.  They just kept begging for more.  I love when they do that.


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