My Middle Angel

>> 8.17.2011

The Lorax (Classic Seuss)Four-year-olds love undivided attention and my little guy got a lot of it while his big brother was gone for a week.  He probably secretly wished to be an only child after so many one-on-one experiences.  His favorite parts were probably helping his daddy clean up the chrome on an old garage sale bike and reading books with me.

I just love his interest in books and we try to make time to read every day.  My middle angel often requests the same book over an over.  Sometimes this can drive a mommy a little crazy, but I've enjoyed reading Dr. Suess's The Lorax.

He says the thing that he likes most in the book it is how the Lorax chops down all the trees.  (It was actually the Once-ler.)  Methinks he missed the environmental message.  Ha!  As for me, I appreciate the underlying message, fun rhymes and brightly-colored illustrations.

It's a fun one to check out of the library if you haven't read it yet.
~ Katrina


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