Disciplines and other good reads

>> 11.28.2011

Disciplines of a Godly Family is a treasure.  I mentioned this book once before, but feel it deserves it's own post.  I want you to read it!  Read it if you are married or if you are single and plan to marry.  This is one that I have on my shelf and plan to re-read again and again.

I  finished it this summer on our three-day vacation.  I didn't realize that the last third of the book is an appendix containing lists of recommended books and movies plus reference materials such as advent tree instructions and favorite recipes... so I finished it sooner than I expected.

I was so encouraged by the ideas in this book...leaving a heritage for your children, teaching your children good manners, celebrating holidays with traditions, vacationing as a family, disciplining appropriately, getting to know your neighbors... all from a godly perspective.

Now that I'm writing about it, I think maybe it's time to read it again.

Here's hoping you have some down time during the busy holiday season... so you can actually enjoy a few minutes of reading.

~ Katrina

P.S. As long as we're talking books, here's a list I posted last December.  These are some of our favorites if you are looking for Christmas ideas.

Right now, the 17-month-old scooter (now walking!) is loving a book given to him by his Aunta Joan last Christmas called Heads by Matthew Van Fleet.  Adorable!  It is a sturdy, interactive board book that he wants to have read over and over.  Even his older brothers like it a lot.

My middle angel (four-and-a-half years old) is really into Frank Asch right now.  His favorites so far are moonbeam books and Happy Birthday, Big Bad Wolf.

The seven-year-old, my avid reader, is loving anything he can get his hands on.  But he gets a real kick out of Eyewitness books, the Magic Tree House Series and research guides by Mary Pope Osborne.

For school we recently read through two of the living forest series books by Sam Campbell, a lover of nature.  They can be a little boring for my four-year-old (who still wants to see lots of pictures), but the stories pull you in and entice me to be more of a naturalist.  My nature-loving seven-year-old is really enjoyed these books.


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