The garden's in

>> 5.09.2012

New garden :)
I'm back!  It's been a busy season and we've been treading water.  You know how it goes.

Isn't this the best time of year? Everything is green and in bloom.  The birds sing all day long.  School is almost out! And the garden's planted. Now we get to watch all the little seeds take root and grow, grow, grow.

I get more excited each year as we try planting a larger variety of fruits, veggies and herbs. I always think this year will be our best year yet. :)  Last year shield bugs ate a substantial part of our garden, but our tomatoes did very well.  I have some tricks up my sleeve to fight the shield bugs this year.  And hopefully our pet bunny won't eat our garden when I'm not looking.

I cannot wait to make the refrigerator pickle recipe we made last year . Here's what you need:
  • Cucumbers (from your garden, the farmer's market, or the grocery store)
  • 3 Cups Water
  • 6 Tbsp. White vinegar
  • 3 Tbsp. Kosher salt
  • Minced garlic
  • Fresh dill
You've got to try it.  It took the boys and me literally 10 minutes to prepare, and two days later... viola!  We had two jars of very yummy pickles in the fridge.

Would love to hear your favorite garden recipe to try this summer! Please post in comments.

Happy gardening. :)

P.S.  Almost forgot to include what we're reading.  We've read so many great books for our curriculum and just for fun this year.  But I'll keep it short.  If you (the adults in the audience) haven't read Jane Eyre... read it NOW.  (Kindle edition is free on Amazon.)  I read it as I cooked.  I couldn't stop reading.  It had been awhile since I'd enjoyed a good book of my own.

The boys and I are currently reading Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater.  It's a Newbery Honor Book; silly, cute and fun. I'm glad I have a rabbit.  It's smaller and less smelly than a penguin. And it can sleep outside in it's hutch.

P.P.S.  The boys are also loving "living" history books.  We recently read Molly Pitcher by Augusta Stevenson and are currently reading Thomas Jefferson by Helen Albee Monsell.  I'm happy (and mildly embarrassed) about how much we "grown-ups" are learning reading these Childhood of Famous American history books.  These are great for long car rides if you can handle reading aloud.


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