If it sound too good to be true...

>> 5.23.2011

...it usually is.  

That was my first thought when I heard about NAET.  (Maybe it was your first thought, too.)  Sometimes you take a gamble out of sheer desperation.  For us, these treatments have changed our world.  So many people have asked me about this, it seems only fair to give out a few more details.

1.  Does it work?  For us, yes.  It took about four treatments to see definite results.  I'm able to eat foods that formerly triggered eczema in our littlest man.  (This is amazing if you read our previous post! We've cut back on baths and never have to lotion him in between. The baby skin is back!)  Seasonal allergies are substantially better. Our gluten-free/casein-free son is eating foods that he wasn't able to before without negative effect.  This has been a life change for us... We can eat in other people's homes without having to bring special foods with us.  I am making bread and pancakes and buying pasta made from wheat--which is a significant break in our monthly grocery budget.

2.  Is it expensive?  No, not really.  But here's how we look at it.  If it's going to keep us from getting allergy shots, and cut down on the number of trips to the doctor, then we see the NAET treatment as preventative maintenance.  It also saves us in grocery bills and allergist and pediatrician co-pays.  According to our insurance, it is the same as seeing a specialist.  If insurance doesn't cover it, they provide you with a special plan.  In our case, it is inexpensive and one child is treated free per every adult.  It never hurts to ask what it costs if they bill you as a cash patient; that goes for any doctor, really.

3.  How soon will I see results?  This depends.  Our NAET doctor treats for more than one item at a time, so we saw results within four visits.  Most NAET doctors treat for only one allergy at a time.  This slows things down a bit, I'm sure.  Our doctor says he usually sees people every week and doesn't ask them if they are feeling better until he's seen them four or five times.  I was treated for sun poisoning and was not too convinced it would work.  A few days later I broke out with sun poisoning.  But this week (several weeks after being treated) I got a burn--and no sun poisoning!  I've been getting sun poisoning since I was 16.  (That's 20 plus years, but who's counting?)  It's hard to believe, but I guess I'm cured.  :)  We still feel some skepticism from time to time.  I think that's normal for a non-traditional treatment like this... But, if I've stopped getting sun poisoning, I don't know where else to give the credit.

4.  What does a "treatment" look like?  I'm not going to lie.  It's a little strange (I prefer intriguing) at first.  The doctor checks to see if you are "allergic" to an item using applied kinesiology.  (Quick internet research reveals that the Western world does not consider this legitimate science.  You decide for yourself.)  No, he does not shake a dead chicken over you and, no, there is nothing spooky or creepy about it and, yes, you get to keep all your clothes on.  It's actually so painless that you'll have a hard time believing that it'll help.  

5.  What allergies can be fixed?  Here's a list that our NAET doctor provides.  Some examples include addictions, ear infections, environmental allergies, eczema, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, sinusitis, and weight loss or gain.

6.  Why isn't everyone doing it?  That was my main question before I started seeing results.  And I'm still wondering why.  Perhaps people just shy away from the unknown.  But it's not that weird.  This kind of medicine has been around a lot longer than Western medicine... but it's not yet accepted in our culture.  Based on conversations with our doctor, there aren't very many doctors/chiropractors out there providing these treatments yet.  Our guy is swamped, so if you want to go back to school, this might be a growth industry.

There are no needles, medicines or supplements.

Why try it?  Why not.

If you have more questions, please email me.  I'd love to share our story.
~ Katrina

P.S.  We do make small advertising fees if you purchase books off our link.  But we love sharing with you.  Don't forget to utilize your local library.  We do. :)

P.P.S. We don't make a nickel if you go to NAET treatments.  We've benefited so much from it that we want all our friends to know it's out there.


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