Slow down and read a book

>> 12.19.2012

I hope you've been able to slow down and enjoy the season.  We have done better this year. We have made a few handmade gifts, done zero baking, and, somewhat sadly, we've not participated in many seasonal activities this year (except The Nutcracker, which we loved... all three boys and me!).

For advent, we are enjoying our Jesse Tree each night (which you can read about at this post if interested) and also Jotham's Journey which is a fictional storybook for advent. My big boys (now 8 1/2 and 5 1/2) are really enjoying this story and learning about the events surrounding Jesus' birth as Jotham meets characters such as Zechariah and Elizabeth, John the Baptist's parents.

We've been able to enjoy some Christmas music (I love that the boys know several carols now!) and some Christmas reading.  Last year I started buying a Christmas book each year for our library.  Here are two that we have now added to our shelves and that you might still have time to check out from the library.  The messages in these stories are those of love, family, kindness, sacrifice and tradition.

The Year of The Perfect Christmas Tree by Gloria Houston is a heart-warming, well-written and beautifully-illustrated tale.  This story can be enjoyed by many ages and every year.  Even if you don't want to add it to your own library, it would make a wonderful gift.

The Light of Christmas by Richard Paul Evans is the one we purchased for our shelf this year.  We try to only buy well-written and illustrated books in our house, and this one will not disappoint.  In this book a young boy learns that it isn't what you have to give, but how you give of yourself that matters most.

Don't forget that there are lots of resources for listening to books online.  This week my boys listened to a LibriVox recording of Charles Dickens' The Cricket on the Hearth here.   The Gift of the Magi is one I'm considering having the boys listen to tomorrow while I frantically pack for the weekend. :)

Merry Christmas!
~ Katrina

P.S.  If you have a moment, I'd love to hear your favorite Christmas book in the comment section.  Will need ideas for next year!


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