Roasted Okra

>> 8.12.2011

We tried another new vegetable.  Okra.  The okra patties I tried first were too greasy... So we tried roasted okra.  Much better!  Not very slimy, thank goodness.  

If you are an okra fan, you should definitely try this recipe.  Being in the high 90's outside, we put ours on the grill (instead of heating up the house by using the oven).  Easy and nutritious.

According to WikiAnswers, "It is a good sources of Vitamin C, Folic Acid, essential B vitamins as well as magnesium, manganese and potassium.  Okra is also high in dietary fibre."

Next experiment: eggplant. I'm going to try my hand at baba ghanoush!

~ Trina

Editor's note: The best okra I've ever had was at a restaurant called Lambert's Cafe in Sikeston, Missouri.  Lambert's is a lot of fun.  At any time during the meal, if you see the lady that serves dinner rolls walking around, you hold up your hand and she will wing (a.k.a. throw with gusto) a dinner roll from where ever she happens to be standing, to your table.  Another lady walks around with a big bowl of fried okra and offers it to anyone interested ("Okra, hon?" or something like that).  Fried okra is likely not good for you but if you're ever driving the I-55 in southern Missouri, Lambert's is worth a stop.  Even if it isn't lunchtime. ---Christian


DaleFlyingDude August 13, 2011 at 8:25 AM  

Lambert's is fun with their "throwed rolls." Nice people too. They act like they're glad you came.

Roast okra sounds like the right idea. The stuff is tool slimey for most people so however it is prepared has to be toning down the slime! That's why breaded and fried, anyone would likely eat okra. Our kids loved it fried. Actually, out kids loved anything breaded and deep-fried!

Christian and Katrina August 15, 2011 at 7:23 AM  

I have fond memories of breaded and fried okra. :) I remember eating it in a stew as a child, too, and am thinking I should try that this week... More okra and eggplant in the fridge.

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